Boomwhacker energiser at the Pepsico conference, King Power Stadium, Leicester

Boomwhacker energiser at the Pepsico conference, King Power Stadium, Leicester

This February kicked off with a fantastic Boomwhacker Energiser for the Pepsico UK and Ireland Conference at the Leicester City King Power Stadium. Given that this was one of the windiest days of the year, you would be relieved to know that we weren’t out on the pitch, but safely warm and dry in the stadium’s conference room. There might have been a hurricane outside, but there was a rhythm whirlwind inside as 200 delegates played the Boomwhacker tubes to create a fast, buzzing, multi-part rhythm tune! Pepsico (or specifically the Walkers Crisp division of the group) were looking for a fresh way of demonstrating team achievement through their cores value themes – ‘Simplify’, ‘Standardise’ ‘Connect’ and ‘Leverage’. We thought the Boomwhacker activity was a great metaphor for these values. Here’s why:

  • The coloured Boomwhacker tubes are an incredibly simple yet effective instrument (basically a coloured plastic tube). Very simple rhythms are combined in a particular way to create a tune which (ironically) becomes rich and complex.

  • There is a sense of group standard set, because everyone can feel the common pulse which pulls all the parts together – everyone knows what to follow and everyone knows what’s expected of them.

  • There is a strong sense of group connection that takes place in the activity. It doesn’t matter whether you are playing on a table right at the very back of the room – table number 1 still feels connected to table number 33!

  • Leverage? – well I guess this is the moment when an entire group of delegates can hear what they have achieved. Initially, as each team concentrates on playing their part competently, it might be hard to hear the entire musical sound and the way one’s part contributes to the whole. But as everyone becomes more relaxed and competent, the realisation kicks in that-”actually, this is starting to sound really good”! Everyone can hear the complete sound with all the combined parts playing in musical synergy. In a nutshell – it’s the sound of team success!

Big thanks to Anna Davies -Talent Sustainability Manager at Pepsico UK and Ireland for the following glowing testimonial:

“The Boomwhacker Energiser was a tremendous success at our recent PepsiCo UK Operations Conference. Not only did it create high levels of fun, energy and team spirit in the room, it reinforced our theme of Simplify, Standardise, Connect and Leverage in a very memorable and engaging way.”

And a very big thank you to Arran Mitchell from Sunburst Events for allowing us to use these photographs from the event.