Djembe Drumming Lesson - Djembe Tone, Not Djembe Thud
Djembe Drumming Lesson - Djembe Tone, Not Djembe Thud
In the early stages of learning djembe technique it can be difficult to create resonance when making the tone beat on the side of the drum. This video looks at what might be going wrong and what you can do to change a flat thud to a nice rich tone.
Free African Drum Lesson - Four Pulse Exercises
Learn Samba Rhythm... Using Sweets!
This video provides four exercises for playing African rhythms where the counting is in 'threes'. There is an easy exercise which for many people comes naturally; one which is a little trickier to feel; a harder exercise and finally a nice challenge exercise at the end. All these patterns lend themselves to 12/8 and 6/8 patterns for West African djembe and Dundun drumming. Good luck with it and do leave us a comment on the video to tell me how you get on.